PMSC AmeriCorps SEPTEMBER 16, 2024 Starting Date positions: NOW OPEN! Environmental Stewardship, Education School-Based, Community Wellness. Get things Done for America: invest in yourself and your community. months ago, PMSC AmeriCorps
Well Done 2023-2024 PMSC AmeriCorps! 84 members successfully completed their National Term of service this year, getting things done in academic engagement, environmental stewardship, and community wellness to benefit the people, land, and water of this great state and nation. Here's to a lifetime of service and to a job well done! #gettingthingsdone #nationalserviceworks #bringoutthebestofAmerica
4 months ago, PMSC AmeriCorps
#gettingthingsdone with Bottle Works Ethnic Arts Center Arts Festival this weekend. Thank you, Helena Bassler and Logan Lamb for serving as children's activity leaders for the festival all weekend long! #saferstrongerhealthier #ChooseAmeriCorps #NationalServiceWorks
4 months ago, PMSC AmeriCorps
Thankful for the opportunity to partner with Cambria County Drug Coalition to pack Compassionate Outreach Recovery bags last evening. PMSC's Madison Uhrin coordinated the project and member, Helena Bassler stepped in to help #GetThingsDone to provide these critical resources for community members. #recovery #saferstrongerhealthier #BringOutTheBestOfAmerica AmeriCorps
5 months ago, PMSC AmeriCorps
2024-2025 positions #justdropped Change your community--change your life! #ChooseAmeriCorps Be like Mikayla and Colton with Armstrong Conservation District doing environmental outreach with the MED: Mobile Enviro Display.
6 months ago, PMSC AmeriCorps
#summerofservice PMSC AmeriCorps members #gettingthingsdone with Penn State Student Farm! #addressingfoodinsecurity #healthychoices #makeadifference #nationalserviceworks #chooseamericorps
6 months ago, PMSC AmeriCorps